backtrace-coronerd 1.34.17

This release includes support for Inbox.

This version of coronerd requires crdb >= 0.58.3.

Features and Improvements

Issue Key-Value Set & Query

Users can now associate and query state, owner, ticket, etc. metadata with fingerprints. The new console uses this to enable easier triage of issues.

Submission Buckets

Users can now build on synchronous post to perform followup activity using submission buckets. These allow submissions using specific API tokens to securely modify submission metadata based on submission attributes. Refer to the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Bug Fixes

  • Several stability improvements to the HTTP & object sub-systems.
  • High compression ratios could cause truncation in minidump thread lists.
  • Multipart attachments could be dropped due to a server restart.
  • Callstack deduplication could be incorrect with no frame object files.
  • HTTP responses were often reported as 500 Internal Server Error when they should have been something else more helpful.